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League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro
PO Box 2411
Wichita, KS 67201
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HomeHow to Vote

How To Vote

3 Ways to Vote

By Mail

Fill and send advanced ballot application

Early In-Person Voting

Scroll to “vote early in person” and find a polling place*

*Note: any polling place will do for early voting!

In-Person on Election Day

Click on the link to find your polling site

What to Expect at the Polls

Bring along

Government Issued ID

You will be asked

  • To state your name and current address (must match voter registration info)

Ask for help!

  • Poll workers are qualified and happy to answer questions
  • You may request a paper ballot if you prefer not to use the machine

If you are given a provisional ballot

  • You may be given a provisional ballot if:
  • your stated address does not match
  • you are in the wrong polling place
  • problems with your ID
  • A provisional ballot is still a valid way to vote!

If you need assistance due to a disability, illness, or lack of English language proficiency

If you have problems

Know your Ballot

There are many resources to see what is on the ballot for every election before you go vote. Looking at your ballot ahead of time will allow you to research all candidates and issues before you vote.


Vote411 is a free website provided by the League of Women Voters of Kansas with information on registering to vote, checking your registration, and finding out what is on your ballot.

County Election Offices

Check your local county election offices for sample ballots before your election. Please note, not all election offices offer sample ballots.