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League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro
PO Box 2411
Wichita, KS 67201
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HomeVolunteer for the League

Volunteering for the League

As we move into the next centennial of our existence—the League celebrated its centennial anniversary in 2020—it is more important than ever for volunteers to continue to give their time and energy to ensure that the League has a great future. Get involved and make a difference by volunteering locally right here in our league.

We have opportunities in many areas of service, and for all skills and abilities. Learn more about our committees and their leadership. You can reach out to any of our committee co-chairs if you have questions before jumping in! 

Current Committees

Voter Services

Registering voters; organizing candidate forums

Local Observer Corps

Attend city, county or school board meetings and make a short report for our newsletter


Invite people to join; greet attendees at meetings; mentor a new member, calling to encourage member involvement at special events

Legislative Watch

Observe committee hearings at the legislature in an area of your interest and write a short report to the League


Write testimony on local or state issues; Write letters to the editor for the League president’s signature

Fund Raising

Plan and organize events to raise money for our local league


Provide assistance for website and social media; assist with graphic design, writing or proofreading our monthly newsletter

Tuesday Topics

Write speaker reports; write speaker thank you; introduce speakers; suggest speakers